Input / Output


This module contains functions to read input data and write IRFs in GADF format.

Currently there is only support for reading EventDisplay DL2 FITS files, which were converted from the ROOT files by using EventDisplay DL2 conversion scripts.

Reference/API Package


read_eventdisplay_fits(infile[, use_histogram])

Read a DL2 FITS file as produced by the EventDisplay DL2 converter from ROOT files:

create_psf_table_hdu(psf, true_energy_bins, ...)

Create a fits binary table HDU in GADF format for the PSF table.

create_aeff2d_hdu(effective_area, ...[, ...])

Create a fits binary table HDU in GADF format for effective area.

create_energy_dispersion_hdu(...[, ...])

Create a fits binary table HDU in GADF format for the energy dispersion.

create_psf_table_hdu(psf, true_energy_bins, ...)

Create a fits binary table HDU in GADF format for the PSF table.

create_rad_max_hdu(rad_max, ...[, ...])

Create a fits binary table HDU in GADF format for the directional cut.

create_background_2d_hdu(background_2d, ...)

Create a fits binary table HDU in GADF format for the background 2d table.