
pyirf.cuts.evaluate_binned_cut(values, bin_values, cut_table, op)[source]

Evaluate a binned cut as defined in cut_table on given events.

Events with bin_values outside the bin edges defined in cut table will be set to False.

values: ``~numpy.ndarray`` or ``~astropy.units.Quantity``

The values on which the cut should be evaluated

bin_values: ``~numpy.ndarray`` or ``~astropy.units.Quantity``

The values used to sort the values into bins

cut_table: ``~astropy.table.Table``

A table describing the binned cuts, e.g. as created by ~pyirf.cuts.calculate_percentile_cut. Required columns: - low: lower edges of the bins - high: upper edges of the bins, - cut: cut value

op: callable(a, b) -> bool

A function taking two arguments, comparing element-wise and returning an array of booleans. Must support vectorized application.