Source code for pyirf.interpolation.griddata_interpolator

Simple wrapper around scipy.interpolate.griddata to interpolate parametrized quantities
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

from .base_interpolators import ParametrizedInterpolator

__all__ = ["GridDataInterpolator"]

[docs] class GridDataInterpolator(ParametrizedInterpolator): """ "Wrapper arounf scipy.interpolate.griddata.""" def __init__(self, grid_points, params, **griddata_kwargs): """Parametrized Interpolator using scipy.interpolate.griddata Parameters ---------- grid_points: np.ndarray, shape=(n_points, n_dims) Grid points at which interpolation templates exist params: np.ndarray, shape=(n_points, ..., n_params) Structured array of corresponding parameter values at each point in grid_points. First dimesion has to correspond to number of grid_points griddata_kwargs: dict Keyword-Arguments passed to scipy.griddata [1], e.g. interpolation method. Defaults to None, which uses scipy's defaults Raises ------ TypeError: When params is not a np.ndarray ValueError: When number of points grid_points and params is not matching References ---------- .. [1] Scipy Documentation, scipy.interpolate.griddata """ super().__init__(grid_points, params) self.griddata_kwargs = griddata_kwargs
[docs] def interpolate(self, target_point): """ Wrapper around scipy.interpolate.griddata [1] Parameters ---------- target_point: np.ndarray, shape=(1, n_dims) Target point for interpolation Returns ------- interpolant: np.ndarray, shape=(1, ..., n_params) Interpolated parameter values References ---------- .. [1] Scipy Documentation, scipy.interpolate.griddata """ interpolant = griddata( self.grid_points, self.params, target_point, **self.griddata_kwargs ).squeeze() return interpolant.reshape(1, *self.params.shape[1:])