Source code for

import logging

from astropy.table import QTable, unique
import astropy.units as u

from ..simulations import SimulatedEventsInfo

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "obs_id": "OBS_ID",
    "event_id": "EVENT_ID",
    "true_energy": "MC_ENERGY",
    "reco_energy": "ENERGY",
    "true_alt": "MC_ALT",
    "true_az": "MC_AZ",
    "pointing_alt": "PNT_ALT",
    "pointing_az": "PNT_AZ",
    "reco_alt": "ALT",
    "reco_az": "AZ",
    "gh_score": "GH_MVA",
    "multiplicity": "MULTIP",

[docs] def read_eventdisplay_fits(infile, use_histogram=True): """ Read a DL2 FITS file as produced by the EventDisplay DL2 converter from ROOT files: Parameters ---------- infile : str or pathlib.Path Path to the input fits file use_histogram : bool If True, use number of simulated events from histogram provided in fits file, if False, estimate this number from the unique run_id, pointing direction combinations and the number of events per run in the run header. This will fail e.g. for protons with cuts already applied, since many runs will have 0 events surviving cuts. Returns ------- events: astropy.QTable Astropy Table object containing the reconstructed events information. simulated_events: ``~pyirf.simulations.SimulatedEventsInfo`` """ log.debug(f"Reading {infile}") events =, hdu="EVENTS") sim_events =, hdu="SIMULATED EVENTS") run_header =, hdu="RUNHEADER")[0] for new, old in COLUMN_MAP.items(): events.rename_column(old, new) n_runs = len(unique(events[['obs_id', 'pointing_az', 'pointing_alt']]))"Estimated number of runs from obs ids and pointing position: {n_runs}") n_showers_guessed = n_runs * run_header["num_use"] * run_header["num_showers"] n_showers_hist = int(sim_events["EVENTS"].sum()) if use_histogram: n_showers = n_showers_hist else: n_showers = n_showers_guessed log.debug("Number of events histogram: %d", n_showers_hist) log.debug("Number of events from n_runs and run header: %d", n_showers_guessed) log.debug("Using number of events from %s", "histogram" if use_histogram else "guess") sim_info = SimulatedEventsInfo( n_showers=n_showers, energy_min=u.Quantity(run_header["E_range"][0], u.TeV), energy_max=u.Quantity(run_header["E_range"][1], u.TeV), max_impact=u.Quantity(run_header["core_range"][1], u.m), spectral_index=run_header["spectral_index"], viewcone_min=u.Quantity(run_header["viewcone"][0], u.deg), viewcone_max=u.Quantity(run_header["viewcone"][1], u.deg), ) return events, sim_info