Source code for pyirf.irf.energy_dispersion

import warnings
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from ..binning import resample_histogram1d

__all__ = [

def _normalize_hist(hist, migration_bins):
    # make sure we do not mutate the input array
    hist = hist.copy()
    bin_width = np.diff(migration_bins)

    # calculate number of events along the N_MIGRA axis to get events
    # per energy per fov
    norm = hist.sum(axis=1)

    with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
        # hist shape is (N_E, N_MIGRA, N_FOV), norm shape is (N_E, N_FOV)
        # so we need to add a new axis in the middle to get (N_E, 1, N_FOV)
        # bin_width is 1d, so we need newaxis, use the values, newaxis
        hist = hist / norm[:, np.newaxis, :] / bin_width[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]

    return np.nan_to_num(hist)

[docs] def energy_dispersion( selected_events, true_energy_bins, fov_offset_bins, migration_bins, ): """ Calculate energy dispersion for the given DL2 event list. Energy dispersion is defined as the probability of finding an event at a given relative deviation ``(reco_energy / true_energy)`` for a given true energy. Parameters ---------- selected_events: astropy.table.QTable Table of the DL2 events. Required columns: ``reco_energy``, ``true_energy``, ``true_source_fov_offset``. true_energy_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[energy] Bin edges in true energy migration_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[energy] Bin edges in relative deviation, recommended range: [0.2, 5] fov_offset_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[angle] Bin edges in the field of view offset. For Point-Like IRFs, only giving a single bin is appropriate. Returns ------- energy_dispersion: numpy.ndarray Energy dispersion matrix with shape (n_true_energy_bins, n_migration_bins, n_fov_ofset_bins) """ mu = (selected_events["reco_energy"] / selected_events["true_energy"]).to_value( ) energy_dispersion, _ = np.histogramdd( np.column_stack( [ selected_events["true_energy"].to_value(u.TeV), mu, selected_events["true_source_fov_offset"].to_value(u.deg), ] ), bins=[ true_energy_bins.to_value(u.TeV), migration_bins, fov_offset_bins.to_value(u.deg), ], ) energy_dispersion = _normalize_hist(energy_dispersion, migration_bins) return energy_dispersion
def energy_dispersion_to_migration( dispersion_matrix, disp_true_energy_edges, disp_migration_edges, new_true_energy_edges, new_reco_energy_edges, ): """ Construct a energy migration matrix from a energy dispersion matrix. Depending on the new energy ranges, the sum over the first axis can be smaller than 1. The new true energy bins need to be a subset of the old range, extrapolation is not supported. New reconstruction bins outside of the old migration range are filled with zeros. Parameters ---------- dispersion_matrix: numpy.ndarray Energy dispersion_matrix disp_true_energy_edges: astropy.units.Quantity[energy] True energy edges matching the first dimension of the dispersion matrix disp_migration_edges: numpy.ndarray Migration edges matching the second dimension of the dispersion matrix new_true_energy_edges: astropy.units.Quantity[energy] True energy edges matching the first dimension of the output new_reco_energy_edges: astropy.units.Quantity[energy] Reco energy edges matching the second dimension of the output Returns: -------- migration_matrix: numpy.ndarray Three-dimensional energy migration matrix. The third dimension equals the fov offset dimension of the energy dispersion matrix. """ migration_matrix = np.zeros(( len(new_true_energy_edges) - 1, len(new_reco_energy_edges) - 1, dispersion_matrix.shape[2], )) true_energy_interpolation = resample_histogram1d( dispersion_matrix, disp_true_energy_edges, new_true_energy_edges, axis=0, ) norm = np.sum(true_energy_interpolation, axis=1, keepdims=True) norm[norm == 0] = 1 true_energy_interpolation /= norm for idx, e_true in enumerate( (new_true_energy_edges[1:] + new_true_energy_edges[:-1]) / 2 ): # get migration for the new true energy bin e_true_dispersion = true_energy_interpolation[idx] with warnings.catch_warnings(): # silence inf/inf division warning warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'invalid value encountered in true_divide') interpolation_edges = new_reco_energy_edges / e_true y = resample_histogram1d( e_true_dispersion, disp_migration_edges, interpolation_edges, axis=0, ) migration_matrix[idx, :, :] = y return migration_matrix