Source code for pyirf.irf.psf

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u

from ..utils import cone_solid_angle

[docs] def psf_table(events, true_energy_bins, source_offset_bins, fov_offset_bins): """ Calculate the table based PSF (radially symmetrical bins around the true source) """ array = np.column_stack( [ events["true_energy"].to_value(u.TeV), events["true_source_fov_offset"].to_value(u.deg), events["theta"].to_value(u.deg), ] ) hist, _ = np.histogramdd( array, [ true_energy_bins.to_value(u.TeV), fov_offset_bins.to_value(u.deg), source_offset_bins.to_value(u.deg), ], ) psf = _normalize_psf(hist, source_offset_bins) return psf
def _normalize_psf(hist, source_offset_bins): """Normalize the psf histogram to a probability densitity over solid angle""" solid_angle = np.diff(cone_solid_angle(source_offset_bins)) # ignore numpy zero division warning with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): # normalize over the theta axis n_events = hist.sum(axis=2) # normalize and replace nans with 0 psf = np.nan_to_num(hist / n_events[:, :, np.newaxis]) return psf / solid_angle